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Joining a movement comes from having the courage to follow the leaders who walked in the lead and calling more followers to join us. We will always shed light on good practices, which are also our inspiration. We believe in the collaborative economy and we are part of an ecosystem in which all existing companies, fronts, voices are absolutely necessary, each with its own intention and specialty. We need those that don't exist yet and who knows, they might be inspired by us. Each one doing a small part and adding up to a big result. When you join us, you become a fundamental agent in making the movement grow.


In the fight against prejudice and in transforming the seniority agenda in society and in companies, our main currency is information and knowledge, and we at Maturitas are committed to  making this currency circulate, because to the creation of a new narrative requires abundance, which we only find in collaboration. This is how we created Maturidata, a newsletter to disseminate cases, articles, studies and insights on maturity and longevity.



A Vogue Philippines  brought Apo Whang-Od as the cover star of its April 2023 issue.older  to appear on the cover of the magazine and also a last mambabatok (traditional tattoo artist) of her generation.

The magazine's editor-in-chief, Bea Valdes, said of choosing Whang-Od to illustrate the cover, “We felt that she represented our ideals of what is beautiful in our Filipino culture. We believe that the concept of beauty needs to evolve to include diverse and inclusive faces and shapes. What we hope to talk about is the beauty of humanity,” added Valdes.



Imagine walking into your local coffee shop and being greeted by a woman with a kind smile reminiscent of your grandmother, then ordering a delicious piece of cake handmade by “Grandma Marlene” and taken out of the oven by “Grandpa Karl”. How to "connect generations" is the unspoken motto of this fabulous coffee shop concept.



The Vitasay50+ brand, a line of food supplements specialized in this age group, together with Yunus' corporate innovation unit, designed an acceleration program to encourage mature entrepreneurship and highlight the topic, in order to break down prejudices and value these professionals.


O Boticário celebrated its 45 years of history by inviting the mature public to celebrate their trajectories, experiences and learnings in a special action, which sought to stimulate the creation of new ways of interpreting maturity.

“Time does not stop me. O Boticário 45 years. It's just the beginning” has as its main objective the fight against ageism and the appreciation of learning and achievements after 45. 

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Age is one of the first things we notice about other people. Ageism arises when age is used to categorize and divide people in ways that cause harm, disadvantage and injustice, and to undermine intergenerational solidarity.

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